ARC Review: One?

I got this ARC in exchange for an honest review , all opinions are 100% mine.

Thank you Jennifer for providing this opportunity!

40358551One? by Jennifer L. Cahill


It’s London in the mid-noughties before Facebook, iPhones and ubiquitous wifi.
Zara has just moved to London for her first real job and struggles to find her feet in a big city with no instruction manual. Penelope works night and day in an investment bank with little or no time for love. At twenty-eight she is positively ancient as far as her mother is concerned and the pressure is on for her to settle down as the big 3-0 is looming. Charlie spends night and day with his band who are constantly teetering on the verge of greatness. Richard has relocated to London from his castle in Scotland in search of the one, and Alyx is barely in one place long enough to hold down a relationship let alone think about the future. One? follows the highs and lows of a group of twenty-somethings living in leafy SW4.

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These bright purple indigo teal watercolor bouquets will be great for wedding or baby shower inviatiotions, logo designs, wall decor art, romantic scrapbooking conpositions and many more.Use th


When I first saw this book’s cover, my first impression was: this is so much like a Darker shade of Magic. You know with the map of London, black, reddish colours.(a bit embarrassed to admit I took more than a few seconds to realise its a silhouette of two people looking at each other oops) Turns out I was wrong, this is a fun, light-hearted chic-lit book to read. If you just finished reading some pretty heavy, hard core stuff this is the book for you to relax and forget about all your problems.I finished this book in around a day so its alright for me and I had quite a nice time reading it!

There are two main characters here, Zara (young, new to London) and Penelope (28, has a high position in a well known company aka rich) I personally relate to Zara more because I understand her problems and my situation is similar to hers compared with Penelope’s. The book started with a scene in a kindergarten with a teacher and a pair of students which shall not be named as I don’t want to spoil much. When the girls meets boy again when older, immediately my brain goes AHA I KNOW IT. NOW IT ALL MAKES SENSE!

Penelope was pretty keen on finding THE ONE and she is a hardcore fan of believing it. So as the story goes on she learnt that she doesn’t have to search for it purposely, when time comes, it happens! Throughout the story we witness both character’s growth and they learn to know more about themselves, their capability and life in general.

There is one thing I have to complain though, even both characters are written nicely, and also well-developed I would love to see more of Charles, the encounter or appearance of him was so brief when he is also part of the household of where Zara and Penelope lives! I mean by the end of One? It was pretty obvious that there is going to be a two. Of course I’d be reading two but I sure hope there will be more Charles in it!

final rating:★★★.5

These bright purple indigo teal watercolor bouquets will be great for wedding or baby shower inviatiotions, logo designs, wall decor art, romantic scrapbooking conpositions and many more.Use th

About the Author

Jennifer was born in Dublin in Ireland and was educated at University College Dublin. She honed both her ability to write, and her love of writing, in UCD while studying Spanish, which was one half of her International Commerce degree. She went on to Business School in Dublin and moved to London after graduating, and life has never been quite the same for her since. When she is not writing she works with individuals and blue-chip clients to help them navigate and master change. She spent ten lovely years living in Clapham and now lives in Notting Hill in West London.

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These bright purple indigo teal watercolor bouquets will be great for wedding or baby shower inviatiotions, logo designs, wall decor art, romantic scrapbooking conpositions and many more.Use th

Thats it for today’s post! Do you believe in finding “the one”? What are your thoughts about it?

anddd the featured image is the first of many graphics I made for my blog! I’m so excited to show you more graphics in upcoming posts! What do you think, do you like it?

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